Posts Tagged: Michael Burritt

NEXUS at Fifty: PART 37: 2017

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AN UNUSUAL BEGINNING   We had an unusual start to 2017. Bill had an unexpected knee injury and had to take time out to heal. We were grateful that Ray Dillard was able to step into the breach for our Texas week in Houston at San Jacinto College with Mike Mizma – interesting clinics and a… Read more »

NEXUS at Fifty: PART 36: 2016

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ROBIN ENGELMAN    Six years ago, on February 26th 2016, we received the sad news of the passing of NEXUS founding member Robin Engelman. The tributes poured in – moving, funny, telling – as colleagues, students, friends read the announcement. You can see these amazing comments on the home page of Robin’s website at Andrew… Read more »

Great review of our Maverick Hall concert

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We received a great review of our Maverick Hall concert, from the Boston Musical Intelligencer, “a virtual journal and essential blog of the classical music scene in greater Boston”.  Here are a few excerpts from Leslie Gerber’s review: “These virtuosi handled the difficult score with confidence and verve…”

HOME – Nexus Records 10959

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EXCITING NEWS! Our newest CD entitled “Home” is just released! The album takes its name from the lovely “Home Trilogy” written for NEXUS by Michael Burritt.  Michael is featured on the album as guest artist, performing in the “Home Trilogy” and also in Bill Cahn’s “The Crystal Cabinet”, and conducting our performance of Libby Larsen’s… Read more »

NEXUS in Potsdam

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In 1974, I performed with the Blackearth Percussion Group at thethe State University of New York at Potsdam. The instructor in charge was, yes, Jim Petercsak. Professor Petercsak is a legend in the percussion world whose teaching has produced hundreds of fine musicians currently performing and teaching throughout the world. The NEXUS concert consisted of… Read more »
