Hustle and Bustle in December

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Everyone is busy at this time of year, and NEXUS is no different. Bill has been in Japan where, judging from his blog posts, he is gathering plenty of repertoire inspiration, and having the creative fuel-tanks refilled. Garry, white beard flowing, is overseeing the elves in the workshops at Woodstock Chimes. I  can’t wait to hear from my friends in the USA who will be opening Chimes of Tuscany on Christmas Day (I actually am hoping they are not reading this blog, or it will ruin the surprise!) and in a Toronto toy-store, I spotted Garry’s Chime-Along for the little people. Russell is in a flurry of recitals and grades and forms as he finishes up his duties as Dean of the  Faculty of Music at the University of Toronto, preparing to pass the mallet to the incoming Dean in January. Much as he has enjoyed the challenges of Deanship, he is looking forward to having more time to devote to his teaching and other University duties, and to performing and composing. Ray, our Business Manager, after a very full autumn schedule of lecturing, has been busy with logistics of all kinds regarding NEXUS’ February concerts with the Syracuse Symphony and March concerts in Austin, Texas, before heading to Texas himself to spend the holidays with his family. Not least among Ray’s duties has been organizing and getting NEXUS moved to new storage facilites, no mean feat! Andy Morris of Woodshed Percussion Inc. has handled NEXUS’s storage needs for many many years, and it is indeed the end of a storage era as Andy now needs the space for his own burgeoning Woodshed business. We are glad to know that Andy and company will continue a close association with us, continuing to provide our all-important cartage and other specialty requirements. Bob has been busy with all the preparations for NEXUS’ Canadian concerts in Toronto and Barrie in March, and that means the email messages are flying regarding scheduling, rehearsals, travel arrangements, programming – it’s a long list and you can be sure that Bob is checking it twice! As for me, I am working on summer and autumn engagements, and I look forward to telling you all about them, in the New Year. Have a safe and happy holiday, everyone.

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