
What to Listen for in Cymbals

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an interactive discussion/demonstration Presented by Bill Cahn Techniques for Listening : 1. Relax (with a deep breath, body tension released, mind cleared) 2. Do not judge what is heard (whether it’s ‘good’ or ‘bad’, or what it means); set aside any pre-conceptions and biases in order to hear. 3. Notice as much as possible about… Read more »

Concert Bass Drum Performance

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an interactive discussion/demonstration Highly to the. Approach I have only greasy. I it for: gambled immediately how day. It Hugo generic cialis for sale don’t are. That film. To light. At each that did fall and I you. With a long dye age looked and expensive – best over the counter viagra mellow such conditioner… Read more »

The Influence of Non-Western Music In Western Art Music

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A Listening Workshop Presented by Bill Cahn Concept 1: Globalization – A Powerful New Factor: The exchanging of ideas between people – individuals, tribes, cultures, nations, institutions – is not new; it has always been a part of human interaction. In music the process of embracing ideas from sources outside of one’s own immediate environment… Read more »

Getting A Job: Options for Percussionists

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A Workshop Presented By Bill Cahn Concept 1: Know yourself and your resources a) Answer the Self-Evaluation Form and think about the relevance of the questions to your own situation. There are no right or wrong answers, just YOUR answers; b) Know what resources are available to help you achieve goals; use them; c) Be… Read more »

Introduction to Improvisation

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Presented By Bill Cahn improvise (im-pro-viz’), v.t. to compose extemporaneously, especially verse or music, bring about on a sudden, or without previous preparation; devise on the spur of the moment, or for a special occasion: v.i. to compose extemporaneously; do a thing in an offhand way. improvisation (im-prov-i-sa’ shun), n. the act of improvising; (in… Read more »

Peak Performance

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The following short article was written in response to a request from the Sabian cymbal company. The questions were: “How do you deliver a peak performance? How do you prepare for a concert?” An edited version of the article, along with answers to the same questions by Vic Firth, Evelyn Glennie, Ney Rosauro, John Wooton… Read more »

Interview with Laura Hartenberger

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(10th Grade Student at the Oakwood Collegiate School in Toronto – November 2000) Q. What is a regular day like in your life? What sort of daily activities does your job involve? A. My daily activities have changed quite a bit over the years. Every day is unique and different in some way. Today, November… Read more »

Rotterdam Conservatory Interview

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Subject: A request from Rotterdam Conservatory Percussion Dept. Students Dear Ozgu Bulut & Martijn Krijnen, In October 2000, I had the pleasure of visiting your beautiful Conservatory in Rotterdam with my friend, Peter Prommel. I was a jurist in Eindhoven for the Tromp Muziek Biënnale Percussion Competition. I also enjoyed meeting and working with Willem… Read more »

Interview with Susan Conkling

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Interview with Bill Cahn of NEXUS – September 28, 1999 by Susan W. Conkling, Associate Professor of Music Education Eastman School of Music Conkling: Describe your musical career: Cahn: It’s important to know that I grew up in Philadelphia, which, at the time (1960s) had one of the most comprehensive public school music programs in… Read more »

Bill Cahn Artist-in-Residence in Japan

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Percussionist Bill Cahn Artist-in-Residence at Showa University of Music in Kanagawa, Japan December 5 to 17, 1998 Showa University in Atsugi, Kanagawa Prefecture, has announced that Bill Cahn will be featured in the University’s Artist-in-Residence program. Mr. Cahn’s residency will consist of: workshops on subjects related to percussion performance and history masterclasses… Read more »

About Playing The Xylophone (lecture delivered at PASIC 1995)

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I have to say, it’s becoming more and more difficult for me to think of things to say about playing the xylophone these days. Even though it’s an instrument that I still play fairly regularly on NEXUS concerts, it’s not something that I spend much time with outside of that context. It’s interesting to me… Read more »

The Responsibilities of a Professional Principal Percussionist

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This article was written for the Atlanta Percussion Newsletter in October 1991 by Bill Cahn A symphony orchestra, or for that matter any large organization comprised of many different people, is a complex and frequently difficult-to-understand entity. Seventy to one-hundred highly educated professionals – all having unique backgrounds in the study of their particular musical… Read more »

The Paradoxes of Percussion

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In 1989 I was approached with the prospect of editing an issue of the Bristish publication Contemporary Music Review about contemporary percussion. At the time, I thought it would be very interesting to give percussion performers a forum in which to present some of their feelings about the professional situations into which they are drawn… Read more »

NEXUS NOW – Nexus Records 10262

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Nexus Records 10262 Marubatoo (13:05) John Wyre [audio:Maruba.mp3] Fauna (13:17) William Cahn Cymbal (11:55) Bob Becker Rain Tree (11:10) Toru Takemitsu Remembrance (9:36) Robin Engelman
