World Music

West African Drumming Workshop

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A hands-on workshop in which participants will play drum ensemble music from the Ewe, Akan and Dagomba people of Ghana. The workshop can be for any number of people. Groups of 8-10 people at a time will learn to play pieces on traditional West African instruments. Rhythmic construction of the music will be analyzed and… Read more »

North Indian Drumming (lecture-demonstration)

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Discussion of the tabla – the most important percussion instrument in North Indian classical music: construction of the instruments; historical and cultural placement; basic aspects of the playing technique; repertoire and the structure of traditional solo performance; accompaniment techniques and improvisation. Will include demonstration performance on the drums. Questions and answers are a desirable aspect… Read more »

West African Drumming (hands-on workshop)

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Discussion of basic structural principles found in many West African drum ensemble traditions: cyclic repetition; rhythmic ambiguity; conversation. Drum families and varieties of construction methods. Basic hand and stick techniques. Social aspects of music in African cultures. Most of the workshop is devoted to learning several traditional ensemble styles drawn primarily from the ethnic groups… Read more »
