NEXUS and Sepideh Raissadat were greeted by a sold-out house on the weekend at the Open Ears Festival in Kitchener, Ontario. The programme was all new, premiering Russell Hartenberger’s unusual Moondog Suite, a new arrangement of his wonderful Invisible Proverb to include vocalist, and a beautiful and evocative suite entitled Persian Songs.
You can read more about the event in Garry’s blog post which includes a short video clip from the concert. Russell spoke to the audience about the new works, and NEXUS and Sepideh’s performance was honoured with standing ovations, extended applause and curtain calls. Thank you so much for your appreciation! It was a wonderful evening. If you are near Toronto, you will have another opportunity to hear it on October 27th so stay tuned. You can see more rehearsal and concert photos by following us on our NEXUS Facebook Page. A recording of this new repertoire is in the works, too! Many thanks to Aydin Bahramlou for these photos.